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上传时间: 2019-06-04 13:56:06           浏览量: 3822

  哥伦比亚大学教育学院(Teachers College, Columbia University)是一所世界顶尖的教育学研究生院,它是由慈善家Grace Hoadley Dodge和诺贝尔和平奖获得者、哲学家、教育家尼古拉斯·默里·巴特勒于1887年创立于美国纽约。

  于1898年成为哥伦比亚大学下属学院,但保留了自身独立实体地位和招生要求。哥伦比亚大学教育学院是全美最古老、最大、课程设置最全面的教育学院,历史上教育大师约翰 杜威、保罗 孟禄、威廉·赫德·克伯屈都曾执教于此。该学院曾经培养了我国人民教育家陶行知、幼教之父陈鹤琴、原北京大学校长蒋梦麟、马寅初、南开大学创


  作为全球顶级的教育研究生院,也是世界上最大的教育学、应用心理学和心理健康学方面的综合性研究生院,哥伦比亚大学教育学院在2016年《美国新闻与世界报道》全美教育研究生院排名中名列第七。目前,学院下设有艺术与人文系、行为科学系、咨询与临床心理学系、课程与教学系、教育政策与社会分析系、健康与行为研究系、人类发展系、国际与跨文化研究系、数学科学与技术系、组织与领导系十大系。共有正式教员180余名,注册学生5000余名,其中35%的学生攻读博士学位,13%的学生来自全球80 余个国家与地区,校友则遍布世界170余个国家与地区。


  托福考试最低分数要求: 网考(IBT)100,纸笔考(PBT)600

  雅思考试最低分数要求: 7.0


  1. Arts & Humanities

  2. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)& AL (Applied Linguistics)

  3. Art and Art Education

  4. Arts Administration

  5. Bilingual/Bicultural Education

  6. English Education

  7. History and Education

  8. Music and Music Education

  9. Philosophy and Education

  10. Social Studies Education

  11. Biobehavioral Sciences

  12. Movement Science and Education / Kinesiology

  13. Neuroscience & Education

  14. Speech & Language Patholog

  15. Counseling & Clinical Psychology

  16. The Clinical Psychology

  17. Psychological Counseling

  18. Curriculum Teaching

  19. Early Childhood Education

  20. Elementary Inclusive Education

  21. Secondary Inclusive Education

  22. Gifted Education

  23. Literacy Specialist

  24. Curriculum & Teaching

  25. Education Policy and Social Analysis

  26. Economics and Education

  27. Education Policy

  28. Politics and Education

  29. Sociology and Education

  30. Health & Behavior Studies

  31. Diabetes Education and Management

  32. Health Education

  33. Nursing Education

  34. Nutrition

  35. Reading Specialist

  36. School Psychology

  37. Applied Sciences of Learning and Special Education

  38. Teaching of American Sign Language (ASL) as a Foreign Language

  39. Human Development

  40. Cognitive Studies in Education

  41. Developmental Psychology Programs

  42. Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics

  43. International & Transcultural Studies

  44. Anthropology

  45. International and Comparative Education

  46. Mathematics, Science, & Technology

  47. Communication, Computing, & Technology in Education

  48. Mathematics Education

  49. Science Education

  50. Organization & Leadership

  51. Adult Learning and Leadership

  52. Education Leadership

  53. Higher and Postsecondary Education

  54. Social-Organizational Psychology


  1. Teaching (Pre-K - 12)

  2. Teaching (Higher Education)

  3. Psychology (Counseling, Clinical, and School)

  4. Human Resources Management (Training, Organizational Development)

  5. Health and Human Services




