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上传时间: 2019-11-26 17:33:26           浏览量: 3246


  第一项 获奖经历(Awards and Honors)

  Award or honor: We want to know about the awards and honors you've received that mean the most to you.



  What's the name of the award or honor?

  First Prize in National English Competition(NEPC)


  Level of recognition

  School City

  Community State





  Type of award or honor

  Academic (for example: Honor societies, academic competitions & programs, grade-based & department awards)

  Non-academic (for example: Athletics, leadership, volunteering/community service)

  奖项类型分为两类:学术性和非学术型。学科类竞赛如例子中的英语竞赛一等奖、基于成绩的奖项如三好学生、Honor Societies以及AP Scholar等均属于学术性奖项,而涉及运动、志愿服务及领导类的荣誉属非学术型奖项。我们的建议是这两类奖项各占50%,对于标化成绩优异的同学,非学术型的奖项甚至可以更多一些;而对于标化不突出的同学,学术性的奖项需要好好打磨。

  When did you receive it?

  9th grade

  10th grade

  11th grade

  12th grade

  After 12th grade


  What are the eligibility requirements for this award or honor?

  For example: How are award recipients chosen? How many people are selected to receive the award? Is there an application or nomination for the award?

  NEPC is a national competition held for primary students to rank their English level and award those who stand out. The competition is held every year, and participants are supposed to take exams and the awards will be given by their marks. The awards include the first prize, the second prize, the third prize and the excellent prize, among which the first

  prize, the second prize, the third prize and the excellent prize, among which the first one stands for the best performance.

  获奖条件比如对奖项或比赛的介绍、如何选拔获奖人、获奖人数、是否需要申请或提名等。总而言之,大家在填写这部分的时候尽量把奖项的含金量、重要性体现出来,比如说明一下这个奖项有多难拿到,你从多少人中脱颖而出,这些都可以填进去。这一栏填写不超过500字符 (计空格)。

  What did you do to achieve this award or honor?

  We'd like to understand what it took-on your part-to achieve this award. For instance: Were there multiple competitions that you had to participate in? How much time did you dedicate to winning this award?

  I have always had an interest in English and wish to show my English talents and learn skills from others. I took part in NPEC and got through three rounds of competitions to reach my final fruit. To prepare for the competition, I got up early every morning to recite English words and expressions. Additionally, I keep a habit to speak English with my deskmate to practise my spoken English every day.

  获奖历程主要说明你对获得该奖项付出了什么努力,比如打了多少场比赛,付出了多少时间等。描述上比较自由,关键要“积极正面”和“有料”。这一栏填写不超过500字符 (计空格)。

  第二项 课外活动(Extracurricular Activities)

  Extracurricular activity: These could include hobbies, clubs, sports or anything else you haven't had the chance to tell us about.

  这一部分是会大家觉得比较困惑的地方,因为这部分的活动会和后面Volunteer & Community Service部分的活动重叠,有的活动既能填在这部分,也能填在那儿。这部分其实主要是非公益性质的活动,不属于志愿者、社区服务的课外活动填在这里,若志愿服务部分活动太多,也可以酌情放到这边。需要注意的是,在填写这两部分内容的时候,尽量避免重复填写同一个活动哦。


  What's the name of the activity? (60字符,计空格)

  Author, Review of Senior Citizen Services

  活动名称直接写出活动即可,有空隙的话也可以点明自己的身份,这一栏填写应不超过60字符(计空格)。如果活动名称太长,比如上诉例子中,论文名称实际上为A Review of the Research>,远远超出了规定字符,我们可以将其缩减为Review of Senior Citizen Services,先概括出主要内容,在下文的活动描述中再将全称描述出来。

  What did you do?

  Think about your experience, and what you accomplished and learned. We’d also like to know if you’ve held a leadership role, which can mean more than just a title — it can mean being a mentor to others, acting as a point-person in charge of a specific task, or taking a lead role in organizing an event or project.

  I decided on the topic of my paper after my volunteering experience at Kangle Nursing Home. To write a well-documented essay, I collected a number of relevant materials about institutional old-age services and its supply efficiency. I also conducted interviews with people from different backgrounds. I finished the paper, A Review of the Research on the Supply Efficiency of Institutional Old-age Services, and published it in Labor Security World, a first-class journal in Jilin Province.

  活动描述可以涵盖的内容很多,比如活动的主要内容、同学的主要工作、参与的起因经过结果、自己的感受和成长等,建议尽量突出自己实际做事的细节、量化自己的活动成果,比空泛的话语会更有说服力。如上述例子中第一句,I decided>这就和同学在Kangle Nursing Home的活动联系起来,显得更自然更有说服力。这一栏填写不超过500字符 (计空格)。

  When did you participate in this activity?

  If you participated during the summer, select the grade you were in before that summer.

  9th grade

  10th grade

  11th grade

  12th grade

  After 12th grade


  How much time did you spend>l Hours spent per week: 30

  l Weeks spent per year: 2


  第三项 其他高中课程(Other coursework)

  Other coursework: These are courses other than those required for UC admission (courses that do not fit in UC’s "a-g" subject areas)?

  UC规定的A-G courses之外的其他的高中课程,以及UC不能转学分的课程,可以填写在这里。

  What was the course name?

  Comments on Ci Poetry

  课程名称,尽量使用官方名称。这一栏填写不超过60字符 (计空格)。

  Briefly describe the course. (500字符,计空格)

  What program or school offered the course? Also, think about describing the major themes or topics the course covered, as well as what knowledge or skills you learned.

  I learned this course on a online platform named Erya Elective Courses. I took six elective classes in spare time, including Comments on Ci Poetry and Music Appreciation. It introduced some famous Ci Poetry in the history of Chinese literature and taught us how to appreciate and criticize a Ci poet.

  课程介绍,这一栏填写不超过500字符 (计空格)。

  When did you take this course? (可多选)

  If you took this course during the summer, select the grade you were in before that summer.

  9th grade

  10th grade

  11th grade

  12th grade

  After 12th grade

  How much time did you spend in class?

  It's OK to estimate, but try to be as accurate as possible.

  Hours spent per week: 8

  Weeks spent per year: 20


  第四项 志愿者和社区服务(Volunteering/ Community Service)

  Volunteering / Community service: These are activities you've donated time and effort to without getting paid.

  Volunteer & Community Service部分填写之前的志愿者和社区服务活动经历。这个部分和工作经历最大的区别,在于是否取得了薪酬。由于高校比较重视学生对community的贡献,所以这一部分的内容较为重要。

  有的同学说自己之前并没有个人自发地做过这样的活动,可以联想一下是否有加入任何组织,这些组织做过志愿者和社区服务活动,便可以直接或者间接地参与到他们的这些项目中,比如任何志愿者组织。这一栏填写不超过60字符 (计空格)。

  What's the name of the organization, program, school or group you volunteered for?

  School Librarian

  活动名称可以填写项目的名称,也可以填写举办活动的组织、团体的名称,或者是志愿服务当地学校、组织的名称。我们的建议是,若同学的某一个志愿活动特别有看点,含金量比较高,则可以直接将活动写出来;若只是加入某一个组织,参与的活动散而小,则可以填写该协会或组织的名称,在下文的活动介绍中列举自己参与的活动。这一栏填写不超过60字符 (计空格)。

  Please describe the organization, program, school or group.

  Consider what kind of work the organization does: What’s the reason the organization exists today? How does it help a certain community or population?

  The school library offers the students computers, electronics, books and other study materials, printers, and a place to study. It encourages students to spend their spare time to help with the library affairs. School librarians have the opportunity to pass on a love for reading to students of all ages. School librarians also teach student the fundamentals of using a library and its resources.

  项目介绍主要是对上文写到的名称的介绍。若写的是项目或活动,则直接介绍该项目的主题、目的、内容、意义等;若写的是某个协会或组织,则介绍该协会或组织的宗旨、组合以及举办的各种志愿活动等。这一栏填写不超过500字符 (计空格)。

  What did you do?

  Think about your experience, and what you accomplished and learned while volunteering. We’d also like to know if you’ve held a leadership role, which can mean more than just a title —it can mean being a mentor to others, acting as a point-person in charge of a specific task, or taking a lead role in organizing an event or project.

  Often times, these librarians collaborate with teachers to help them find necessary materials and resources to enhance classroom instruction. I performed multiple duties including book shelfing, fee collections and used books organizations. During festival season, I organized discussion among volunteers and decorated the library. When I was free, I would pick a book and read it quietly and sometimes, I provided suggestions for readers without ideas. Reading is enjoyable. Staying at the library brought me a sense of peace.

  When did you volunteer?

  If you volunteered during the summer, select the grade you were in before you volunteered.

  9th grade

  10th grade

  11th grade

  12th grade

  After 12th grade

  项目时间可以多选,如从十年级至今都待在该协会,便选择10th -- 12th grade。从九年级至今获得的都可以填写,高中之前获得过的奖项不需要填。

  How much time did you spend volunteering ?

  It's OK to estimate, but try to be as accurate as possible.

  Hours spent per week: 20

  Weeks spent per year: 28


  第五项 工作经历(Work Experience)

  Work experience: This is for telling us about any paid jobs or paid internships you've had.

  Work Experience(工作经历)一项要填的是同学所有取得薪资的实习或者工作。如果参加的实习没有工资,可以把它填写到Volunteer & Community Service部分,若取得了工资,那就属于Work Experience一项。需要注意的是,若果没有实习经历,这一项是可以不填写的,比如就读于美高的同学一般就没有带薪实习的经历。

  Where did you work? Please tell us the name of the place where you worked.

  Allpku Co.

  公司名称,实习或工作的地点。若实习公司比较有名气,可直接填写名称,如上述例子;若只是一家小店,则可加上简单描述,如Lucky Coffee, a local coffee shop。这一栏填写不超过60字符 (计空格)。

  Please briefly describe the company or organization where you worked.

  Consider describing the industry, the size of the company or organization, or its main focus.

  Founded in 1996, Allpku Co. is the first registered management consulting company in China. With management consulting as the core, Allpku Co. has vigorously expanded its business in business, capital, talent and other fields to provide enterprises with all-round and life-cycle intellectual services.

  公司介绍,简要地介绍该公司,比如公司规模、宗旨以及专注领域等,若是较为正式的公司,一般都有官网,公司简介可以自行上官网查询。这一栏填写不超过500字符 (计空格)。

  What was your job title?


  工作职称,同学们涉及到的一般有trainee, apprentice, assistant teacher, shop assistant等,这一栏填写不超过60字符 (计空格)。

  What were your job responsibilities?

  I collected and analyzed information of the service strategy, service and product characteristics changes of the companies. After that, I organized those information and came up with suggestions to improve the management and service of our company.

  工作责任是关于你工作内容的解释。有的同学认为自己的工作非常简单,工作内容也比较乏味,可介绍性不强。其实这一栏除了填写工作内容,也可以捎带上你在这份工作里面学到了什么技能,获得了什么成长。这一栏填写不超过500字符 (计空格)。

  When did you work at this job?

  We'd like to know when you worked at this job and the number of hours per week you worked. It's ok to estimate, but try to be as accurate as possible. If you worked during the summer, select the grade year before that summer.

  9th grade:

  School year for 9th grade

  Hours spent per week


  Hours spent per week

  10th grade:

  School year for 9th grade

  Hours spent per week


  Hours spent per week

  11th grade:

  School year for 9th grade

  Hours spent per week


  Hours spent per week: 10

  12th grade:

  School year for 9th grade

  Hours spent per week


  Hours spent per week

  After 12th grade:

  School year for 9th grade

  Hours spent per week


  Hours spent per week

  Do you still work at this job?







