生物信息学与计算生物学(Bioinformatics and Computational Biology)
细分方向:Subareas: Biostatistics, Computational Genetics, Proteomics, Statistical Genetics;
计算机架构(Computer Architecture)
细分方向:Subareas: Clockless Logic, Energy-efficient Computing;
计算机图形(Computer Graphics)
细分方向:Subareas: Graphics Hardware, Animation & Simulation, Modeling, Rendering, Tracking, Virtual Environments, Visualization;
计算机辅助合作(Computer-Supported Collaborative Work)
细分方向:Subareas: Architecture of Collaborative Systems, Mobile Collaboration, Collaborative Software Engineering, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Telepresence;
计算机视觉(Computer Vision)
细分方向:Subareas: Geometric Vision, Recognition, Language & Vision;
几何计算(Geometric Computing)
细分方向:Subareas: Geometric Modeling & Computation, Solid Modeling;
高性能计算(High-Performance Computing)
细分方向:Subareas: Parallel Algorithms, Programming & Memory Models for Parallel Computing, Performance Analysis, Scientific Computing, GPUs & Other Computational Accelerators, Cyberinfrastructure;
人机交互(Human-Computer Interaction)
细分方向:Subareas: Assistive Technology, Haptics, Human Factors Analysis, Sound & Audio Display, User-Interface Toolkits, Virtual Environments;
机器学习与数据挖掘(Machine Learning and Data Mining)
细分方向:Subareas: Data Integration, Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning, Scientific Data Management, Visual Analytics;
医学成像分析(Medical Image Analysis)
细分方向:Subareas: Registration, Segmentation, Shape Analysis, Diffusion Imaging, Biomechanical Modeling, Image-guided Interventions;
自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing)
细分方向:Subareas: Language Generation, Question Answering and Dialogue, Multimodal and Grounded NLP (with Vision and Robotics);
细分方向:Subareas: Distributed Systems, Multimedia Systems, Internet Measurements, Network Protocols, Multimedia Transport;
实时系统(Real-Time Systems)
细分方向:Subareas: Planning & Algorithms, Medical Robotics, Manipulation, Kinematics & Dynamics, Human-Robot Interaction, Robot Perception (see: Computer Vision);
细分方向:Subareas: Network Security, Cloud Computing Security, Mobile Device Security;
细分方向:Subareas: Design Patterns & Analysis, Agile Methods, Collaborative Development, Aspect-oriented Programming, Model Federations for Systems Science;
细分方向:Subareas: Algorithms, Automated Theorem Proving;