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上传时间: 2020-07-29 12:08:12           浏览量: 1522


  NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine say they are making strides with their coronavirus vaccine. At a press conference Friday morning, experts talked about the importance of making the vaccine widely available to, and trusted by, the minority community.


  There are some 150 COVID-19 vaccines in development right now, 45 in clinical trials, and at least three in phase 3 trials, which is the last step before making them available to the public. Yale has its own RNA-based vaccine, which is showing promise.


  Rev. Dr. Leroy O. Perry of the AME Zion Church in Branford is also about making sure any vaccine gets to the people who need it the most. He stressed that it is not the vaccine that saves lives, but vaccinations themselves that save lives.

  布兰福德AME锡安教堂的Leroy O. Perry博士还致力于确保将疫苗接种给最需要的人。他强调说,拯救生命的不是疫苗,而是疫苗反应产生的抗体。

  “It’s one thing to have the vaccine. it is another to sit down with people in the community and explain, has it been approved, what are the risks, and what is the necessity of taking the vaccine,” Rev. Dr. Perry said.

  “生产疫苗是一回事。”Dr. Perry 说:“坐下来让人们接种是另外一回事儿,并解释说,疫苗是否已获批准,存在哪些风险,以及接种该疫苗的必要性,”。

  Perry said he is already holding Zoom meetings with community leaders, getting them to stress the importance of getting vaccinated.

  Perry 说,他已经在与社区领导人举行Zoom会议,让他们强调接种疫苗的重要性。

  Senator Richard Blumenthal also attended the press conference. He is calling on Congress to double the amount of money it is spending on fighting the coronavirus from $10 billion to $20 billion.

  参议员Richard Blumenthal也参加了新闻发布会。他呼吁国将用于抗击冠状病毒的资金增加一倍,从100亿美元增加到200亿美元。

