2020年因疫情影响,迈阿密大学的学生可申请fully online(全网课),有的学生第一次网课申请会遇到问题,今天托普仕Alice老师就带来迈阿密大学网课申请攻略,为大家提供参考。
迈阿密大学学生填写survey并通过后,在近日里会收到如下邮件一封邮件的主题为“Request for Remote Learning Fall 2020”
各位同学在网课申请通过后将会收到此邮件,如因课程形式(in-person,hybrid,online)以及课程额外收费等等,请先行联系ad或学院确认调整课程相关事宜再做点击邮件中的超链接至Remote/Virtual Learning Agreement网页
You have been approved for virtual/remote learning. Please review the information below regarding virtual/remote learning carefully as it explains the academic and financial information you must review and consider before you confirm your virtual/remote learning status.
You should have received an email with your updated award letter or information on the impact of remote learning on your cost of attendance. Please check your email for updates from ofas@miami.edu with the subject “Revised award letter for remote learning adjustment.”
Your course schedule will be adjusted to virtual/remote learning. Please note that while your request has been approved, that due to the nature of some courses virtual/remote learning may not be an option. If this is the case, your academic advisor will reach out to you to discuss alternatives. Once the course adjustments are completed, your remote learning course schedule will be reflected in CaneLink. Please contact your advisor if you do not see these changes by August 3.
As part of the process, we need you to let us know where you will be living while doing your courses remotely. To enter this address, go to your Student Services Center in CaneLink and add an Online Address under the Demographics tab. This may or may not be your permanent address. For "Date new address will take effect" please enter August 17, 2020. Click SAVE to update this information.
After you review your Financial Aid information and have been successfully moved into all virtual/remote sections, you will need to complete approval by signing the Virtual/Remote Learning Agreement. Once you have electronically signed the agreement your housing and dining will be cancelled (if applicable) and your bill will be adjusted to reflect your remote learning status. To access the Remote Learning agreement – CLICK HERE.
Please note you will NOT be able to change to in-person or hybrid courses for the Fall 2020 semester once you have signed the Agreement. This is because of the restrictions required for social distancing in the classroom.
You will need to complete any assignments or exams remotely. You will NOT be able to return to campus to complete in-person exams or schedule exams through the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Accommodations for exams can be managed through Blackboard or in coordination with the faculty. If I have questions on the above, I will contact the Office of Disabilities at disabilityservices@miami.edu or 305-284-2374.
If you wish to cancel your virtual/remote learning request or have any additional questions regarding the process, please email remotelearning@miami.edu.