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上传时间: 2020-09-08 10:34:48           浏览量: 1440


  杜克花园(Duke Gardens)和杜克大学(Duke University)的管理人员将继续商讨2021年分阶段重新开放的可能性,具体取决于春季学期大流行和校园范围内的安全计划的进展。

  花园执行董事Bill LeFevre谈到这个艰难的决定时说:“我们知道,这个消息使许多珍惜杜克花园的人感到失望,他们一直渴望回到杜克校园中心的这个心爱的绿洲。”

  他说:“我们期待有一天,我们可以再次聚在一起,欣赏这些享誉全国的花园,以及它们为每年来到这里的60万游客提供的美丽,宁静和灵感。” “但是,作为全面的杜克联合健康与安全计划的一部分,我们致力于最大程度地减少这种破坏性病毒在杜克和达勒姆社区以及其他地区传播的任何机会。”





  (Sept. 4, 2020) In keeping with Duke University’s campus-wide health and safety measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Duke Gardens will remain closed through the end of 2020.

  Duke Gardens and Duke University administrators will continue to confer about the possibility of a phased reopening in 2021, depending on the progression of the pandemic and campus-wide safety plans for the spring semester.

  “We understand that this news is disappointing to the many people who cherish Duke Gardens and have been eager to return to this beloved oasis in the heart of the Duke campus,” Bill LeFevre, the Gardens’ executive director, said of this difficult decision.

  “We look forward to the day when we can all gather together again to enjoy these nationally acclaimed gardens and the beauty, serenity and inspiration they provide to the more than 600,000 visitors who come here each year,” he said. “But as part of the comprehensive Duke United health and safety initiative, we are committed to minimizing any opportunities for this devastating virus to spread within the Duke and Durham communities and beyond.”

  Duke Gardens will continue to work with Duke faculty and staff to make the Gardens accessible for academic and student wellness partnerships, by appointment and accompanied by Gardens staff. Please see our academic programs page to explore these partnership opportunities.

  The Gardens’ community engagement has remained robust during this closure, with online public programs, educational activities for children and families, public school partnerships, home gardening instructional videos, mindfulness meditations and social media. Please see our fall roster of online programs.

