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托普仕留学 当前位置: 托普仕留学 > 美国留学申请 > 正文
上传时间: 2021-07-19 16:13:31           浏览量: 1433





  这些方面的确需要英文功底,在后面这点的驾驭上,外籍文书老师可能更好一些。 很多孩子喜欢仿写头牌学校,比如哈佛的文书,但是实际上,不同目标校,需要不同的特质,如果仿写,那可能就不是你了。


  S: Seizes (自我激励,自我管理) 自我管理,自我激励的能力是非常重要的。如果说,高中生还有老师提醒,大学则很少,或者说基本不会。你必须学会自我管理,招生官喜欢看到学生有自我激励,自我管理的能力。能够独立的把握住各种可能机会。


  The movement of each blade illuminated a musical harmony, and each insect scurrying around the grass was an instrument of the orchestra. When it was time to leave, the pleasant music in my head faded into a simple, unpleasant, dissonant noise as I encountered an exhibition on how climate change was destroying thousands of species of grass. That’s when I decided to dedicate my life to saving those special plants.

  The next day, I built myself a garden bed out of wood and plastic that I found leftover in my uncle’s car dealership to begin researching how grasses adapt to challenging thermal scenarios. I read classic books on grass like Charles Veron’s Grasses of the World. I looked at my research from a strictly rational, mathematical and logical perspective. After months of tracking the growth rate of Chloris gayana grass under elevated temperatures, my results reflected my biggest fear: grasses will never be able to evolve that fast.

  P: Pursues (追求) 坚持和追求,不计代价,不怕失败,这是一个优秀的孩子应该有的品质。 参考文章提供者录取了芝加哥,乔治城和布朗。

  A magical portal from the future--though perhaps not so distant in the future as we once thought. In every Star Trek ship, there’s a room with the power to change the world. It’s called the Transporter Room, and it has the ability to teleport people and equipment thousands of miles in an instant. … Meanwhile, new technological advancements are even beginning to resemble the infant phases of a teleporter. In 2017, scientists in China teleported photons 1,400 km from a satellite in orbit, and a team in Switzerland is working on a device which, once completed, may allow quantum teleportation of thousands of atoms at the speed of light through fiber optic cable. Teleportation captured my imagination completely…[...]It wasn’t easy to join the Anderson lab as a high school student. I reached out without any references, and it took weeks to get on the phone with one of the investigators. He was skeptical that I would be able to contribute, but my answers impressed him enough to arrange a second interview. It took four rounds, with hard studying before each interview, but I landed the internship. [...] I am determined to build on my experience at the Anderson lab and make practical teleportation a reality within my lifetime.

  A: Asks 大胆提问,对一些社会现状,一些哲理问题的思考,也是优秀学生应有的品质。

       R: Risks (冒险精神) 冒险精神是一个潜在的成功人士应该具有的品质,这种冒险可以是尝试开一个新的公司,在科研上的创新等等。

  C: Creates (创造力) 创造力是一个优秀的孩子拥有的基本素质。在科技上,组织模式上的创新,都可以归纳为创造力。


