UCLA大学提供CEE系,这里开设结构力学硕士Structural Mechanics项目,在世界结构力学排名靠前,这里学制2年,对申请者背景要求不会那么严格,具体可参考如下:
“: Students who wish to apply for admission to our graduate program for the 2022-2023 academic year are not required to take the GRE or submit a GRE score report as part of their application package. However, students may voluntarily submit GRE test scores and they will be reviewed as part of the holistic application consideration. The applications with GRE scores will not be given greater weight than those that do not include scores. (MS applicants- optional, PhD applicants- recommended) ”
“Applicants must have a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 and a minimum TOEFL score of 560 (paper & pencil test) or 87 (internet-based test). We do not consider applications that do not meet these minimum scores. ”
“A Statement of Purpose should succinctly describe your interest in our program, your intended field of study, specific areas of interest within said field, future plans, and other aspects of your background which may help us evaluate your application. The Statement of Purpose is also used to match admitted students with assigned advisors. Please be as specific as possible in your Statement of Purpose.
Please upload your Statement of Purpose using the online application. Your Statement of Purpose should be 500 words or fewer.”
“The Personal Statement is an opportunity for you to provide additional information that may help us in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study in our program. You are required to complete a Personal Statement; an application without one is considered incomplete.
If you would like to be considered for the Eugene Cota-Robles and Graduate Opportunity fellowships, please address one or more of the following prompts:
What are some ways in which your life experiences and educational background have informed your understanding of the barriers facing groups underrepresented in higher education? How will your research, creative efforts, or scholarly discourse contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education?
How has your drive and motivation helped you persist and overcome barriers in higher education that may have disproportionately disadvantaged you? If appropriate, include evidence of your success in these efforts.
How have you actively engaged (through participation, employment, service, teaching or other activities) in programs focused on increasing the representation of groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education?”
“We require 3 letters of recommendation from faculty or individuals qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study.
Please use the online application system to submit your letters of recommendation. Applicants are responsible for following up with their recommenders to ensure that letters of recommendation have been submitted. The application system allows for applicants to submit four letters of recommendation, but we request that you only submit three.”
“Submission of a resume/CV is strongly encouraged, but not required. Only students who submit a resume/CV will be considered for financial aid.
Please upload your resume/CV to the online application. A hard copy is not required.”
“The online application has a section where applicants may upload a writing sample. A writing sample is not required for our department. However, applicants who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. or the thesis track for the M.S. degree may use this section to upload selected publications.”