大学名称以及项目名称 | 截止日期 | 决定回复日期 |
斯坦福大学 Master of Science in Computational andMathematical Engineering: Mathematical &Computational Finance Track | 未更新 参考:2022.1.12 | 2023.3 |
芝加哥大学 MS in Financial Mathematics | Round 1: 2023.1.12 Round 2: 2023.3.23 | 2023.3.10 或者更早 |
2023.3.12 | ||
哥伦比亚大学 Masters in Financial Engineering | 2023.1.5 | / |
哥伦比亚大学 MA in Mathematics with a Specialization in theMathematics of Finance | 2023.5.4 | / |
约翰霍普金斯大学 MSE in Financial Mathematics | 2022.12.15 | / |
杜克大学 Master of Engineering in Financial Technology | Round 1: 2023.1.15 Round 2:2023.3.15 | 2023.3.15 |
2023.4.15 | ||
康奈尔大学 MEng in Operations Research and InformationEngineering:Financial Engineering (FE) | 2022.12.1 | / |
加州大学洛校矶分校 Master of Financial Engineering | Round 1: 2022.12.31 | 2023.3.1 |
Round 2: 2023.3.1 | 2023.4.30 | |
Round 3: 2023.4.30 | 2023.5.31 | |
加州大学伯克利分校 MEng in Industrial Engineering & OperationsResearch: FinTech concentration | 2023.1.6 | / |
南加州大学 MS in Financial Engineering | 奖学金截止: 2022.12.15 | / |
南加州大学 MS in Mathematical Finance | 2023.2.15 | / |
卡内基梅降大学 MS in Computational Finance | 2022.12.5 | 不迟于 2023.3.3 |
密歇根大学安娜堡分校 MS in Quantitative Finance and RiskManagement | 2023.2.1 | 2023.3月中旬 |
纽约大学 MS in Mathematics in Finance | 2023.2.8 | / |
纽约大学 MS in Financial Engineering | 优先申请:2022.12.1 | / |
2023.2.15 | / | |
佐治亚理工学院 MS in Quantitative & Computational Finance | 未更新,可以参考: Early: 2021.10.15; Standard: 2022.1.15; Final: 2022.3.15(国际生) | / |
波士顿大学 MS in Mathematical Finance & FinancialTechnology | Round 1: 2022.11.18 Round 2: 2023.1.20 | / |
/ | ||
Round 3. 2023.3.31 | / | |
凯斯西储大学 Master of Science in FinTech | 未更新 | / |
伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 MS in Financial Engineering | 2022.12.5 | / |
2023.1.9 | / | |
2023.2.6 | / | |
2023.3.13 | / | |
2023.4.15 | / | |
理海大学 MS in Financial Engineering | ED: 2022.12.1 | / |
Round 2: 2023.2.1 | / | |
Final: 2023.7.15 | / | |
伦斯勒理工学院 MS in Quantitative Finance and Risk Analytics | Round 1:202211.15 | / |
Round 2: 2023.1.15 | / | |
Round 3: 2023.3.15 | / | |
Round 4: 2023.5.15 | / |