留学面试是留学申请的最后一关,也是申请者和申请院校最直接的一次接触。在面试中,如果表现得好,展示自身优点以及和项目匹配的能力,给面试官留下好印象,这会成为你的加分项,甚至从众多背景相近的申请人中脱颖而出。下面托普仕老师给大家分享一下康奈尔大学Video interview面试指南的相关内容。
一、康奈尔大学Video interview面试流程
学校会给你发邮件通知你尽快参加Video面试(从邮件中的as soon as possible中就可以看出学校的渴望),然后点击邮件中的链接就会跳转到面试的网站。
二、康奈尔大学Video interview面经题库
Career Goal Questions
1.What are your plans for the next two years? How do you think Cornell can help you achieve them?(Frequently asked question)
2.Share your after-graduation career goals.
3.Which industry are you most interested in? What challenges does it face, and how could AI address them?
4.What do you value most in a potential career role?
5.If you could choose a company to work for, which one would it be, and why?
6.What is your biggest concern during the job search process?
7.What factors motivated you to pursue this program to achieve your career goals?
8.How will this program contribute to your long-term career development?
Program-Specific Questions
1.What is the most important thing that makes you want to apply for this program?
2.If you meet with an alumnus from Cornell ORIE, what will you ask them?
3.Why did you choose Cornell? How do you make decisions about your education?
4.Where did you learn about this program, and what do you expect from it?
5.Why do you want to continue your education at this moment, and how does it differ from your undergraduate study?
6.At what point, and based on what factors, did you decide to choose this program?
7.Factors that motivated you to apply for this program.
Personal and Character Questions
1.What do you believe is true, but your friends don’t agree with?
2.What are three characteristics you want others to know about you?
3.Who has left you with a bad impression, and what did you learn from it?
4.How do you leave a good impression on people?
5.Who is your role model, and why?
6.Which do you value more: patience or courage?
7.Where do you get your news, and what is something interesting you’ve read recently?
8.What place do you want to visit, and why?
9.How would your professors or friends describe you?
10.How do you improve yourself?
11.What is one thing you want to improve about yourself?
12.What do you cherish most about yourself?
Technical and Analytical Questions
1.Have you ever used data to tell a story? Who was the audience, and what was the outcome?
2.Share a time when you handled or analyzed data. What was your process, and what did you learn?
3.How would you explain machine learning to a 10-year-old?
4.Share an interesting program or coding project you’ve worked on.
5.Describe a global challenge related to machine learning misuse. How would you address it?
6.What is an example of a time you felt operations research improved your experience as a customer?
以上就是康奈尔大学Video interview面试指南的相关内容。如果您对美国留学感兴趣,欢迎您在线咨询托普仕留学老师(Tops6868)。托普仕留学专注美国TOP30名校申请,采用5v1服务模式,21步精细服务流程,硬性四维标准+六维背景提升等留学服务体系,为学生申请美国名校提供保障。