1. 学费。
Tuition. The University has approved a 10% discount to tuition for all undergraduate students during 2020-21, whether they are on campus or learning remotely. The discounted rate will be used to calculate financial aid packages for students eligible for aid.
2. 活动费。
Activities fee. Activities and athletics fees will not be charged for the 2020-21 academic year.
3. 食宿费。
Room and board charges. Room and board charges will be pro-rated for students departing the campus at Thanksgiving break. We will offer only one meal plan in the fall for undergraduate students; a one-time reduction in the board rate reflects these changes. We will adjust financial aid packages up front to reflect the appropriate rates, rather than issuing refunds and credits. The needs of financial aid students who require emergency housing after Thanksgiving will be addressed separately. More information will be sent to students as soon as possible about how tuition and room and board charges will be handled and how financial aid will be packaged.
4. 与学生沟通。有关学费和食宿费如何处理,助学金如何打包,以及对助学金政策的进一步调整,将尽快向学生发送更多信息。
Communication to students. Additional information will be sent to students as soon as possible about how tuition and room and board charges will be handled, how financial aid will be packaged, and any further adjustments to financial aid policies.
大学仍然致力于确保每个学生都能负担得起普林斯顿大学的教育,即使在经济不稳定的时候。正如教务长德博拉·普伦蒂斯(Deborah Prentice)在4月份的受托人会议之后所说的那样:“考虑到COVID-19流感大流行以及由此带来的经济挑战,我们预计我们的学生将更多地需要经济援助,许多学生将需要额外的援助。我们致力于增加大学的财政援助预算,以满足这些需求,这样普林斯顿大学的教育仍然是所有学生都能负担得起的。”
The University remains committed to ensuring that a Princeton education is affordable for every student even at this time of economic uncertainty. As Provost Deborah Prentice said following the April trustees meeting focused on financial aid: “Given the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic challenges, we expect that more of our students will need financial aid and that many students will need additional aid. We are committed to increasing the University’s financial aid budget to meet these needs so a Princeton education remains affordable for all students.”