例如:TESOL、Secondary Educatio、STEM Master Teacher 、Teaching Strategies & Classroom Management online等,这些教育学院常规课程基本每学分收费在$1,140/学分;
Autism Spectrum Disorders (Arlingto)、Early Childhood Special Educatio等每学分达到$895;
Matriculation fee(charged each entering stud$300
Application fee$80
International student fee (charged each Fall and Spring to students on F‐1 or J‐1 visas)$45Late registration (beginning the first day of the semester)$80
Registration for continuous enrollment or leave of absence$35
Registration for off‐campus and online programs$35
Late application for graduation$35
Late payment fee$150
Late authorization fee for third‐party payment$100
Returned check fee(charged a student whose check Is improperly drafted, incomplete, or returned by the bank for any reason)$35
Transcript fee$8Replacement of lost of stolen picture identification card$35
Replacement of diploma$50