Paying for your education should be a partnership between student, family and university. Check out the many ways you can cover your UCLA education.
1. Scholarships奖学金
UCLA offers financial support that may be awarded based on need, academic merit, background, specific talents or professional interests:
UCLA Regents Scholarships (merit-based)加州大学洛杉矶分校摄政奖学金(基于成绩)
UCLA Alumni Scholarships (merit-based)加州大学洛杉矶分校校友奖学金(择优)
UCLA Achievement Scholarships (merit- plus need-based) 加州大学洛杉矶分校成就奖学金(以优异成绩为基础)
University Student Aid Program Funds (need-based)大学生援助计划基金(按需)
2. Grants赠款
Grants are a type of financial aid that recipients don’t have to repay. Sources include the federal and state governments, as well as UCLA. Most are awarded based on need and require submission of a Financial Aid Application by March 2.
Grants是接受者无需偿还的一种经济援助。来源包括联邦和州政府,以及加州大学洛杉矶分校。大多数是根据需要授予的,并要求在 3 月 2 日前提交经济援助申请。
3. Loans贷款
In 2019, graduating seniors in the U.S. had an average student loan debt of over $29,200. But for UCLA seniors, the average was much lower — just over $22,390. And virtually all UCLA graduates — 98% of them — successfully manage loan repayment.
4. Part-Time Student Jobs学生兼职
A part-time job can help pay for textbooks and day-to-day living expenses. Last year, over 9,500 UCLA undergraduates worked on campus part-time. Some had work-study awards which can make it easier to find a position, on campus or off.