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上传时间: 2025-02-19 14:29:56           浏览量: 149






VU Student Services Fee$648 Recreation/Wellness Center and other University services and activities
Law School Programming Fee$700 Student programming, technology, professional development, and co-curricular engagement
Transcript Fee$100 One-time fee billed fall semester only.
Student Health Fee$844 Expanded access to student health care and wellness resources, including Telehealth care options, focusing on mental and physical health, nutrition, and sleep. Enhanced satellite services with multiple care locations across campus.
Books and supplies$500 Buy online or used for less.
Housing$15,840 $1,760 per month. Studio or shared multi-bedroom typically less.
Food$7,320 $813.33 per month.
Personal /miscellaneous*$6,086 For personal expenses not itemized elsewhere. Includes University Student Health Insurance plan fee.
Total estimated cost$106,712 Total cost varies by student. Living expenses will differ based on personal choices and circumstances. Scholarships are credited to student accounts.





Direct Costs
Tuition and Fees
Tuition$73,148 $36,574 for each of two semesters; flat rate tuition for all students.
VU Student Services Fee$648 Recreation / Wellness Center and other University services and activities.
Law School Programming Fee$700 Student programming, technology, professional development, and co-curricular engagement .
One-time transcript fee$100 All VU students are assessed a one-time lifetime transcript fee during their first semester. Vanderbilt University only issues official transcripts.
Student Health Fee$844 Expanded access to student health care and wellness resources, including Telehealth care options, focusing on mental and physical health, nutrition, and sleep. Enhanced satellite services with multiple care locations across campus.
Total Tuition & Fees$75,440 
Indirect Costs
9-month estimates.
While actual individual indirect costs vary depending on personal choices and circumstances that influence spending (e.g., living alone or with a roommate, eating out or at home, transportation choices, etc.), the University makes the following indirect cost estimates which determine the maximum federal loan amount available. Please note, however, that students whose actual total indirect costs are less than the total estimated cost can borrow less than the maximum amount available while knowing that additional funds (up to the maximum) are available should the need arise.
1L Only Books / Supplies$1,700 $1,700 for 1L students; $500 for 2L & 3L students.
Housing$15,840 $1,760 per month. Studio or shared multi-bedroom typically less.
Food$7,320 $3,660 per semester.
Personal and miscellaneous / Health$6,086 For personal expenses not itemized elsewhere and Health Insurance.
Loan fees$1,897 Average loan fees incurred by similarly classified borrowers during the previous academic year. $0 for non-borrowers.
Total estimated indirect costs$34,369 Figure at left applies to first-year students. Due to the lesser estimate for books, as above, total estimated a second- or third-year student may borrow up to $33,169.

Total Estimated Cost of Attendance, 2024-25
Tuition & Fees$75,440 $34,999 each of two semesters. A student may borrow the amount of tuition and fees not covered by scholarship or need-based grant, e.g., a student with a $35,000 scholarship may borrow up to $40,440, or a student with no scholarship or grant may borrow up to $75,440.

(Direct Costs)
Estimated Indirect Costs$34,369 Amount at left includes $1,700 estimate for 1L books. Estimated indirect costs for books as above, estimated indirect cost for 2L and 3L students is $33,169. As a practical matter, students indirect costs will differ based on personal choices and circumstances. A first-year student may borrow any amount for indirect costs, as needed, up to the amount at left.
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance$109,809 $108,609 for 2Ls and 3Ls due to lower book cost estimates as above.

