被hold邮件关键词:Your TOEFL? scores from the test administration are delayed because they are under administrative review.
被取消的邮件关键词:Therefore, the scores have been canceled. Decisions made based on the identified TOEFL iBT? test scores may require your reevaluation in view of the results of our review. ETS takes the validity of its scores seriously. When scores are found to be invalid, we inform the institution that the scores have been canceled and we provide the test taker with a written explanation describing the specific reason for the cancellation.
2、有些同学之前在电脑上安装过一些屏幕分享软件,所以在考试前因为检测到我们电脑有“非法软件”所以导致压根无法开始考试,屏幕上会显示“The exam will be terminated due to security reason.”不过这种情况并不影响我们报下一次考试,大家在考试前检查好我们的电脑系统就可以了。(建议直接重装系统或者恢复出厂设置,一劳永逸)
邮件关键词:A thorough review of your exam was conducted and found evidence that you had unauthorized software running on your device.
提示的邮件关键词:This was noticeable since the responses for which you receive a score should be your own original and independent work. Further reviews determined that a portion of your Writing/Speaking response(s) contains ideas, language and/or examples found in other test taker responses or from published sources.
提示的邮件关键词:We have taken this action as it has come to our attention that you have taken this test on numerous occasions only to cancel the score once you have completed the test and have seen the questions. Because of this activity, we have also taken the steps to ban you from taking any ETS exam for the next 6 months.
被禁考的邮件关键词:We have taken this action as it has come to our attention that you have taken this test on numerous occasions only to cancel the score once you have completed the test and have seen the questions.