2024年2月18日 = 2023年7月26日线下 = 2023年10月29日线下 = 2023年9月19日家考
In your opinion, which is the better strategy for making purchasing decisions, relying on advice from friends and family, or depending on information from online sources?
2023年11月20日家考 = 2023年8月21日家考=2023年9月26日线下=2023年11月11日线下
Today, we are going to discuss how successful software and tech products are launched and marketed. When companies launch and market these products, early adopters are important. Early adopters are customers who tend to buy the latest products and like to be the first to try out new features and processes. In today's discussion, I would like you to describe at least one advantage or disadvantage of being an early adopter. Please explain why you think this way.
Some people believe they get the most benefit when that time off is structured: that is, it involves planning in advance about what will be accomplished on that day. Others believe it is better to enjoy the day with no plan for how to spend it.In this discussion post please indicate which of those approaches to spending time off from work or school you prefer and why?
2024年6月12日 = 2024年5月15日 = 2023年12月20日
What policy or initiative you would recommend that governments implement to encourage more use of electric vehicles?
Some people think schools should spend more money on school teachers’ salaries because it would attract more qualified individuals to the profession. On the other hand others believe that the money should be allocated towards additional resources such as books and computers. Which viewpoint do you agree with and why?
Do you think there should be an environmental tax on air travel? Why or why not?
2024年1月24日 = 2023年12月10日家考=2023年7月26日下午场
Do social media influencers generally have a positive or negative effect on their followers?
2024年2月19日 = 2023年8月22日家考
In your posts, l want you to discuss either an advantage or a disadvantage of buying used or recycled products as opposed to new ones.
These educators argue that soft skills-nonacademic skills such as empathetic or having a strong work ethic-should be part of the curriculum, with classroom time dedicated to developing these skills.
学生是否应该学soft skills.
2024年4月6日 = 2023年10月21日
Do you think that governments should fund space exploration?
2024年5月11日 = ETS海外官网06题
Some managers argue that ongoing employee training is the most important investment a company can make. What are your thoughts on the matter?
Should schools limit the teaching of fictional texts in favor of teaching more practical, nonfiction texts?
What is one poor eating habit that would be important for most people to change, and why?
2023年12月12日家考 = 2023年9月27日家考
In industries where flexible work schedules are possible, do you think this policy would bring more benefits than adversities?
2023年12月16日 = 官网模考原题01
If governments of some countries want to attract more people to live in rural areas or villages, what is the best strategy or approach that governments can use? Why?
On the day of outdoor classes students will be transported to local parks or nature preserves, and teachers can help students explore nature and learn about the environment. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?详细情况欢迎咨询Tops6868。
Some people believe the way to prevent these companies from damaging the environment is for the government to require more penalties from them, such as higher taxes and larger fines. Do you think it is a good idea?
2023年10月14日 = 2023年9月9日线下
As students who appreciate culture and wellness, let's discuss whether local funding should support arts programs or recreational activities more.
2023年10月21日 = 2023年8月家考
Many people believe that time in the classroom should be spent acquiring foundational knowledge in subjects like math, reading, science, and history. Others feel that it's important for a child's creativity to be nurtured, and thus the school curriculum must include classes in art and music. There's so much to learn, yet so little time in school to learn it all! What do you think should be included in the curriculum? Why?详细情况欢迎咨询Tops6868。
课程表:艺术音乐vs 基础知识。
2023年9月16日线下(上午场)= 2023.9.5家考
Do you think that online shopping is, on the whole, affecting society?
2023年9月23日 = 2023年8月8日
One advertising strategy that companies often use is to ask celebrities, famous entertainers, or sports figures to promote their products. However, some experts believe that it is more effective to have ordinary people talk about the product. Which of these two advertising strategies do you think is better?
2023年8月29日= 2023年8月1日
Do you believe that governments should provide financial support to artists-for example, painters, sculptors, musicians, or filmmakers? Why or why not?