BIOS:5510:Biostatistical Computing (taken twice for 2 s.h. each; topics should be programming with R and programming with SAS):4
BIOS:5710 & BIOS:5720 Biostatistical Methods I-II:8
BIOS:5730 Biostatistical Methods in Categorical Data:3
BIOS:6610 Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials:3
BIOS:7500 Preceptorship in Biostatistics:3
EPID:4400 Epidemiology I: Principles:3
One of these sequences:
STAT:4100-STAT:4101 Mathematical Statistics I-II:6
STAT:5100-STAT:5101 Statistical Inference I-II (required for students who intend to earn a Ph.D.):6
Public Health Requirement
CPH:6100 Essentials of Public Health:2
Responsible Conduct of Research Training
This course:
BIOS:7270 Scholarly Integrity in Biostatistics:1
IOS:6210 Applied Survival Analysis:3
BIOS:6310/STAT:6550 Introductory Longitudinal Data Analysis:3
BIOS:6420 Survey Design and Analysis:3
BIOS:6650 Causal Inference:3
BIOS:6720 Statistical Machine Learning for Biomedical and Public Health Data:3
BIOS:6810 Bayesian Methods and Design:3
BIOS:7110 Likelihood Theory and Extensions:4
BIOS:7120:Advanced Topics in Biostatistics:4
BIOS:7210/STAT:7570 Survival Data Analysis:3
BIOS:7230 Advanced Clinical Trials:3
BIOS:7240 High-Dimensional Data Analysis:3
BIOS:7250 Theory of Linear and Generalized Linear Models:4
BIOS:7310 Longitudinal Data Analysis:3
BIOS:7330 Advanced Biostatistical Computing:3
BIOS:7410/STAT:7510 Analysis of Categorical Data:3
BIOS:7600 Advanced Biostatistics Seminar (topics include statistical methods in bioinformatics, model selection, spatial modeling, statistical analysis of network data:3
BIOS:7700 Problems/Special Topics in Biostatistics:1
BIOL:4213 Bioinformatics:4
CBH:4105 Introduction to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention:3
CPH:5100 Introduction to Public Health:3
CS:5110 Introduction to Informatics:3
ECE:5220 Computational Genomics:3
GENE:7191 Human Molecular Genetics:3
HMP:4000 Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System:3
ISE:4172 Big Data Analytics:3
OEH:4240 Global Environmental Health:3
PATH:5270 Pathogenesis of Major Human Diseases:3
PATH:8133 Introduction to Human Pathology for Graduate Students:4
STAT:4520 Bayesian Statistics:3
STAT:6540 Applied Multivariate Analysis:3
STAT:6560 Applied Time Series Analysis:3
STAT:7200 Linear Models:4
STAT:7400 Computer Intensive Statistics:3
STAT:7520 Bayesian Analysis:3