哥伦比亚大学运筹学专业MS in Operations Research:
The Master of Science in Operations Research (MSOR) is a 30-credit program for students to concentrate in areas such as mathematical programming, stochastic models, and simulation, through domain specific courses in logistics, supply chain management, revenue management, financial engineering, risk management, entrepreneurship, and general management.
IEORE4199 MS IEOR Quantitative Bootcamp (zero-credit; First term)
IEORE4004 Optimization Models and Methods (First term)
IEORE4150 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (First term)
IEORE4106 Stochastic Models
IEORE4404 Simulation
ENGIE4000 Professional Development and
Leadership (zero-credit)
The department requires students to achieve grades of B- or higher in each of the core courses (IEOR E4150/STAT GU4001, IEOR E4000, IEOR E4004 andIEOR E4106). Poor performance in these courses indicates inadequate preparation and is likely to lead to serious problems in completing the program. Students must also maintain a cumulative GPA of B- or higher during every term, or they may be asked to withdraw from the program.