一、School of Management管理学院
M2MYale SOM是第二年,项目是: Master of Management Studies in Global Business and Society (GBS), STEM, Class of 2022是90人。
HEC Paris MiM(25students)–Yale
UBC MM (for non-business)-Yale
Master of Management Studies in Asset Management, STEM
9-month , 将投资管理的学术和实践有机结合。Class of 2022: 52人
Silver Scholars for college seniors
第一年Yale SOM核心课程,第二年work full-time for one or more years, 回Yale SOM上electives。
二、Graduate School of Arts & Sciences(GSAS) 文理研究生院
MA International & Development Economics (IDE) January 2, 2023
1年制,stem,class size 在25-30(录取人数在50-60,申请人数在400+),侧重发展经济学,80%是应届生,PhD placement很好。
MA East Asian Studies (EAS) January 2, 2023
1年或2年(带thesis,读博导向,但需要注意的是Yale自己并没有东亚研究的Ph.D.),研究重点主要是China or Japan(有语言要求,have had substantial language training in Chinese or Japanese),8 to 14 students each year。感兴趣的可以去官网看一下MA students的履历,因为东亚研究本身就是一个跨学科的(历史,经济,文学,文化,社会等等),非常diversity。我想找一个有参考性的,也并没有找到,美本文科读的好的.其实就很难了。申请建议的话就是:要找到自己的research interests。标化minimum: 托福105/雅思 7.5/ GRE: 308,不接受gmat。不需要writing sample。
8-course MA Statistics/ 12-course MS Statistics and Data Science December 15, 2022
MS是20fall开的,在MA基础上多了4节课,纯授课式(rare研究机会),terminal(非读博导向),2个项目一起:1000 applications, about 40 are offered admission, 15-20 M.A./M.S. students each year。
三、Jackson Institute for Global Affairs杰克逊全球事务研究所
Master in Public Policy in Global Affairs
2年制,16节课,3节必修,非常跨学科,Size很小,35 students in each entering class,strongly prefer 有相关工作经历。
Master of Advanced Study (M.A.S.) in Global Affairs
1年制,for mid-career,至少7年以上工作经验。
四、School of Engineering & Applied Science(SEAS) 耶鲁工程与应用科学学院
Terminal Master's Degree Program
(生物医学工程/化学工程/环境工程/计算机科学/电气工程/机械工程/材料科学):通常学制为一年,no thesis option, 学生通过学期的八门课程方能获得硕士学位。
五、Law School 法学院
每届维持在25人左右,该项目的主要目标人群是想要从事法律教育的(those committed to a career in teaching law),而非为了考Bar做律师的(not designed to prepare students to take the New York State Bar Examination)。耶鲁大学的LL.M.招收的中国学生都在中国国内已经拥有相当好的学术背景,比如教授、副教授,所以申请难度也很大。
六、Yale School of Public Health(YSPH) 耶鲁公共卫生学院
Apply through SOPHAS. 2年制, 有暑期实习,有硕士论文。提供了多个不同的项目和多样的concentrations and tracks:
MPH in BiostatisticsMPH in Chronic Disease Epidemiology (CDE)
MPH in Environmental Health Sciences(EHS)
MPH in Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases(EMD)
MPH in Health Care Management(HCM)
MPH - Health Policy(SBS)MPH in Social and Behavioral Sciences(SBS)
MS Biostatistics生物统计学
MS Chronic Disease Epidemiology慢性疾病流行病学
MS Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases传染病流行病学
MS Health Informatics健康信息学
#关于生统# : MS每年有两百多人申请,大概录取40人;MPH每年录取25人左右。
七、School of Architecture建筑学院
Master of Architecture I:三年, for students holding undergraduate liberal arts degrees, such as a B.A. or B.S., who seek their first professional architectural degree.
Master of Architecture II:两年, students already holding a professional degree in architecture (B.Arch., or an equivalent first professional degree). Approximately 40 students.
Master of Environmental Design(M.E.D) 环境设计学硕士:两年制, research-based.
八、School of Environment环境学院
Two-year Professional Master’s Degrees
Master of Environmental Management(MEM)环境管理硕士
Master of Forestry (MF)森林学硕士Two-year Research-Focused Master’s Degrees
Master of Environmental Science环境科学硕士(MESc)
Master of Forest Science森林科学硕士(MFS)