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  Accounting B.S.B.

  Acting B.F.A.

  Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics B.A.E.M

  African American and African Studies B.A.

  Agricultural and Food Business Management B.S.

  Agricultural Communication and Marketing B.S.

  Agricultural Education B.S.

  American Indian Studies B.A.

  American Studies B.A.

  Animal Science B.S.

  Anthropology B.A.

  Anthropology B.S.

  Apparel Design B.S.

  Applied Economics B.S.

  Architecture B.D.A.

  Architecture B.S.

  Art B.A.

  Art B.F.A.

  Art History B.A.

  Asian and Middle Eastern Studies B.A.

  Astrophysics B.A.

  Astrophysics B.S.Astrop.

  Bachelor of Individualized Studies B.I.S.

  Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

  Biblical Studies B.A.

  Biochemistry B.S.

  Biology B.S.

  Biology, Society, and Environment B.A.

  Biomedical Engineering B.Bm.E.

  Business and Marketing Education B.S.

  Cellular and Organismal Physiology B.S.

  Chemical Engineering B.Ch.E.

  Chemistry B.A.

  Chemistry B.S.Chem.

  Chicano-Latino Studies B.A.

  Civil Engineering B.C.E.

  Classics B.A.

  Communication Studies B.A.\

  Computer Engineering B.Comp.E.

  Computer Science B.A.

  Computer Science B.S. Comp.Sc.

  Construction Management B.A.Sc.

  Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature B.A.

  Dakota Language B.A.

  Dance B.A.

  Dance B.F.A.

  Data Science B S D S

  Dental Hygiene B.S.D.H.

  Developmental Psychology B.A.

  Early Childhood B.S.

  Developmental Psychology B.S.

  Earth Sciences B.A.

  Earth Sciences B.S. Earth Sciences

  Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior B.S.

  Economics - Quantitative Emphasis B.A.

  Economics B.A.

  Economics B.S.

  Electrical Engineering B.E.E.

  Elementary Education: Foundations B.S.

  English B.A.

  Entrepreneurial Management B.S.B.

  Environmental Engineering B.Env.E

  Environmental Geosciences B S E G

  Environmental Geosciences BA

  Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management B.S.

  Family Social Science B.S.

  Finance & Risk Management Insurance B.S.B.

  Finance B.S.B.

  Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology B.S.

  Food Science B.S.

  Forest and Natural Resource Management B.S.

  French and Italian Studies B.A.

  French Studies B.A.

  Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies B.A.

  Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development B.S.

  Geoengineering B.GeoE.

  Geography B.A.

  Geography B.S.

  German, Scandinavian, Dutch B.A.

  Global Studies B.A.

  Graphic Design B.F.A.

  Health and Wellbeing Sciences B.S.

  Health Services Management B.A.Sc.

  History B.A.

  Human Physiology B.A.

  Human Resource Development B.S.

  Human Resources and Industrial Relations B.S.B.

  Individually Designed Interdepartmental B.A.

  Industrial and Systems Engineering B.I.Sy.E.

  Information Technology Infrastructure B.A.Sc.

  Integrated Degree Program B.S.

  Inter-College Program B.A.

  Inter-College Program B.S.

  Interior Design B.S.

  International Business B.S.B.

  Italian Studies B.A.

  Jewish Studies B.A.

  Journalism B.A.

  Kinesiology B.S.

  Landscape Design and Planning B.E.D.

  Linguistics B.A.

  Management Information Systems B.S.B.

  Marketing B.S.B.

  Mass Communication B.A.

  Materials Science and Engineering B.Mat.S.E.

  Mathematics B.A.

  Mathematics B.S.Math.

  Mechanical Engineering B.M.E.

  Medical Laboratory Sciences B.S.

  Microbiology B.S.

  Mortuary Science B.S.

  Multidisciplinary Studies B.A

  Multidisciplinary Studies B.S.

  Music B. Mus.

  Music B.A.

  Music Education B. Mus

  Music Therapy B. Mus.

  Neuroscience B.S.

  Nursing B.S.N.

  Nutrition B.S.

  Ojibwe Language B.A.

  Philosophy B.A.

  Physical Activity and Health Promotion B.S.

  Physics B.A.

  Physics B.S. Phys.

  Plant and Microbial Biology B.S.

  Plant Science B.S.

  Political Science B.A.

  Product Design B.S.

  Psychology B.A.

  Psychology B.S.

  Public & Nonprofit Management B.S.B

  Religious Studies B.A.

  Retail Merchandising B.S.

  Russian B.A.

  Sociology B.A.

  Sociology B.S.

  Spanish and Portuguese Studies B.A.

  Spanish Studies B.A.

  Special Education B.S.

  Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences B.A.

  Sport Management B.S.

  Statistical Practice B.A.

  Statistical Science B.S.

  Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations B.A.

  Studies in Cinema and Media Culture B.A.

  Supply Chain & Operations Management B.S.B.

  Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems B.S

  Sustainable Systems Management B.S.

  Technical Writing and Communication B.S.

  Theatre Arts B.A.

  Urban Studies B.A.

  Urban Studies B.S.

  Youth Studies B.S.


  设计学院College of Design

  牙科学院School of Dentistry

  生物科学学院College of Biological Sciences

  食物科学和自然资源科学学院College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

  文理学院College of Liberal Arts

  工程学院College of Science and Engineering

  管理学院Curtis L. Carlson School of Management

  教育与人类发展学院College of Education and Human Development

  继续与专业研究学院College of Continuing and Professional Studies

