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托普仕留学 当前位置: 托普仕留学 > 美国院校资讯 > 正文
上传时间: 2023-06-28 18:33:41           浏览量: 2775



  1.加州大学戴维分校斯UC Davis

  根据QS数据,UC Davis在美国农林科学领域排名第一。农学院下面有13个系,包括:

  1) Agricultural and Resource Economics

  2) Animal Science

  3) Biological and Agricultural Engineering

  4) Entomology and Nematology

  5) Environmental Science and Policy

  6) Environmental Toxicology

  7) Food Science and Technology

  8) Nutrition, Human Ecology

  9) Land, Air and Water Resources

  10) Plant Science

  11) Plant Pathology

  12) Viticulture and Enology

  13) Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology

  其中plant science, animal science, agricultural economics and policy领域的研究都排在世界上最前列。全院有381位教职人员,7485名本科生分布在29个专业下,1040名研究生分布在22个项目和科研组下。同时,UC Davis地处加州,海洋、森林和大面积的种植区域提供了丰富的研究资源。


  2.康奈尔大学Cornell University


  1) Animal Science

  2) Biological and Environmental Engineering

  3) Computational Biology,

  4) Communication

  5) Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

  6) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

  7) Entomology,

  8) Food Science

  9) Global Development

  10) Landscape Architecture

  11) Microbiology,

  12) Molecular Biology

  13) Natural resources and Environment

  14) Neurobiology and Behavior

  15) Nutritional Sciences

  16) Statistics and Data Science


  1) School of Integrative Plant Science

  2) Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management


  1) Animal science MS, PhD,

  2) Biological and Environmental Engineering MS, PhD, MPS

  3) Entomology MS, PhD

  4) Food Science and Technology MS, PhD, MPS

  5) Horticulture MPS, MS, PhD

  6) Natural Resources MPS, MS, PhD

  7) Nutrition MS, PhD

  8) Plant Biology PhD, MPS

  9) Plant Breeding MS, PhD, MPS

  10) Plant Pathology MS, PhD

  11) Soil and Crop Sciences MS, PhD, MPS

  学校的提供的科研设施包括9个农场,4个温室,和科研中心(Centers of Excellence for Food Agriculture,Cornell Craft Beverage Institute, 和 Venture Food Center)。

  3.加州大学伯克利分校UC Berkeley

  Berkeley的自然资源学院是整个UC系统里历史最悠久的学院。Agriculture & Economics,Environment 和Ecology的专业排名非常靠前。


  • Genetics & Plant Biology

  • Microbial Biology

  • Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology

  • Environmental Sciences

  • Environmental Economics And Policy


  1) Agricultural & Resource Economics:

  • Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics

  2) Plant & Microbial Biology:

  • Ph.D. in Plant Biology

  • Ph.D. in Microbiology

  3)Environmental Science, Policy & Management

  • Master of Forestry

  • Master of Science in Range Management

  • Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Policy, & Management

  4) Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology

  • Master's Degree (M.A. or M.S.) in Energy & Resources

  • Ph.D. in Energy & Resources

  • Master of Development Practice

  5) Energy & Resources Group


  UIUC的农学院有着非常丰富的研究设施和基地,并且有2700名本科生,和738名研究生。本科专业有13个,研究生项目有29个(包括Master, PhD),分布在以下系中:

  1) Agricultural and Biological Engineering

  2) Agricultural and Consumer Economice

  3) Agricultural Education

  4) Animal Sciences

  5) Technical Systems Management

  6) Crop Sciences

  7) Food Science and Human Nutrition

  8) Human Development and Family Studies

  9) Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences(Agroecology/Sustainable Agriculture Program)

  10) Division of Nutritional Sciences

