10 (tie).科罗拉多大学波尔得分校-University of Colorado—Boulder
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 26 (tie)
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 24.7%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 46
9.德州农工大学-Texas A&M University—College Station
Location: College Station, Texas
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 11
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 5.7%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 48
8.得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校-University of Texas—Austin (Cockrell)
Location: Austin, Texas
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 12 (tie)
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 6.1%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 42
6 (tie).普渡大学西拉法叶分校-Purdue University—West Lafayette (IN)
Location: West Lafayette, Indiana
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 4 (tie)
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 13%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 38
6 (tie).伊利诺伊州的大学城厄巴纳-香槟-University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign
Location: Urbana, Illinois
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 10
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 3.9%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 20
5.密歇根大学安娜堡分校-University of Michigan—Ann Arbor
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 7
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 6.7%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 34
4.佐治亚理工学院-Georgia Institute of Technology
Location: Atlanta
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 8
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 9.8%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 42
3.斯坦福大学-Stanford University (CA)
Location: Stanford, California
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 2
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 6.1%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 16
1 (tie).加州理工学院-California Institute of Technology
Location: Pasadena, California
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 4 (tie)
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 12.5%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 18
1 (tie).麻省理工学院-Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Overall U.S. News Best Engineering Schools rank: 1
航空航天专业工程研究生的百分比: 8.3%
Number of aerospace engineering faculty members: 36