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哈佛大学商学院回应“Black Lives Matter ”运动
上传时间: 2020-09-08 11:56:12           浏览量: 2159

哈佛大学商学院回应“Black Lives Matter ”运动,表示受到了该运动的启发,希望用热情和影响力来创建更加公平的世界,下面跟托普仕Alice老师一起来看下吧~


  Faculty, students, staff, and alumni have been galvanized and inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement.

  教职工,学生,教职员工和校友受到了“Black Lives Matter ”运动的启发。

  We take seriously our responsibility to make business a force for good in our society. We know that structural racism has been ignored for too long. We hear the calls for the School to move swiftly to address the impacts of racism on our campus and in higher education. And we acknowledge that there is no quick solution to a 400-year-long crisis. We must all stand together on the long, difficult, and vital journey towards racial justice, inclusion, and equity.


  In sharing the diverse voices of our community’s perspectives on race and racism, we hope to leverage our collective knowledge, passion, and influence in support of creating a more just campus and world.


       以上就是托普仕美国高端留学为大家介绍的哈佛大学商学院回应“Black Lives Matter ”运动,更多关于美国留学的相关问题,欢迎在线咨询托普仕高端留学顾问老师。托普仕留学专注于美国TOP30名校申请,5V1服务模式体系,严格限制招生人数,让您直达美国名校!
