迈阿密大学领导力硕士将学生塑造成能干、多才多艺、充满活力的领导者,使他们能够在 21 世纪复杂的工作环境中游刃有余。该课程帮助学员培养在当今充满挑战的工作环境中影响他人和有效领导所需的人际交往技能。下面托普仕留学老师进行了迈阿密大学领导力硕士介绍,一起来看看吧!
1) 项目长度:10个月(全日制)/ 21个月(非全日制)
2) 秋季入学
3) 校区地址:弗罗里达州
4) 可申请奖学金
1) 能够评估各自的领导力强项和弱项,并制定行动计划以提高现有技能。
2) 将领导力理论和概念应用于实际领导情境的能力。
3) 能够识别各种情况下的领导道德问题。
秋季核心课程 Fall Core Courses
1) Accounting for Decision-Making and Control
2) Communicating for Career Success
3) Valuation and Financial Decision Making
4) Statistics for Managerial Decision Making
5) Foundations in Management Consulting
6) Leading Across Cultures
7) Leading Change in Organizations
8) Managing Through People
9) High Performance Leadership
10) High Performance Teams
11) Human Resource Systems
12) Negotiation Strategies
13) Leadership Coaching
14) Corporate Strategy and Organization
15) Foundations of Marketing Management
MS in Science in Leadership 领导力硕士
学费 :76110美元/年(30学分,2023-2024学年)
Please be aware that the published tuition rate and fees may increase from one year to the next and once updated, will be published to the Graduate Professional Financial Assistance website.